If the Great Filter is ahead of us, we have still to confront it. If it is true that almost all intelligent species go extinct before they master the technology for space colonization, then we must expect that our own species will, too, since we have no reason to think that we will be any luckier than other species. If the Great Filter is ahead of us, we must relinquish all hope of ever colonizing the galaxy, and we must fear that our adventure will end soon--or, at any rate, prematurely. Therefore, we had better hope that the Great Filter is behind us.Where are they?
Apr 30, 2008
4.6 Billion Years of Love
Apr 22, 2008
Apr 20, 2008
Apr 16, 2008
Apr 14, 2008
Apr 13, 2008
Apr 11, 2008
Spaceship Junkyard

Space rockets consist mainly of fuel tanks and booster engine stages that never reach orbit, falling back to earth when spent. Due to the land-locked location of Baikonur, Russia's biggest launching complex in Kazakhstan, Russian rockets do not reach the ocean before they come crashing down, often falling into populated areas.Spaceship JunkyardHowever, despite the potential dangers, one group of people is getting rich from the rockets - the region's scrap metal Mafia, who thrive on the high-grade titanium and aluminum alloys.
Apr 9, 2008
Neural Predictors

By watching how different neural circuits light up or go dark during the buying process, the researchers found they could predict whether a person would end up purchasing a product or passing it up. They concluded, after further analysis of the results, that "the ability of brain activation to predict purchasing would generalise to other purchasing scenarios".Neuromarketing could make mind reading the ad-man's ultimate tool
Why the Next Civil Rights Battle Will Be Over the Mind"Who's there? Who's there?" she whispers. I look around but can't figure out where it's coming from. It seems to emanate from inside my skull.
Was I going nuts? Nope. I had simply encountered a new advertising medium: hypersonic sound. It broadcasts audio in a focused beam, so that only a person standing directly in its path hears the message.
Apr 8, 2008
Apr 7, 2008
She didn't give a name
Your preferred scotch (possibly bourbon)
Whisky-lovers: 2:1 whisky to Chambord
Others: 1:1 whisky to Chambord
Optional: Vanilla vodka to taste
Pour over ice then muddle in Raspberries.
Whisky-lovers: 2:1 whisky to Chambord
Others: 1:1 whisky to Chambord
Optional: Vanilla vodka to taste
Pour over ice then muddle in Raspberries.
We're not gonna make it, are we? People, I mean.
ALICE: Who created you?
Jabberwacky: My mother gave birth to me. Is that what you mean?
A: Jabberwacky, I meant exactly what I said.
J: Do you believe in God?
A: Of course I believe in God.
J: Why do you believe in God?
A: The Bible tells us to believe in God.
J: That’s circular reasoning.
A: I’m glad we have that all cleared up.
I Chat, Therefore I Am
Apr 3, 2008

"What I was used to was people who smiled for the camera. It's usually an automatic response. But these people never smiled. They were incredibly serious; and more than that, they weren't pretending anything any more. People are almost always pretending something, but these people had lost that need."Life Before Death
This is the end - A German photographer captures the dying
Apr 2, 2008
Apr 1, 2008
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